Industry News Exhibition information What is the chimney effect?
Date: 2021-12-01 18:15:46
Effect: daily fire prevention work well, keep the corridor doors closed, to avoid the "chimney effect".The smoke was blocked in the corridor do not go meet escape. Amount of flue gas poisoning.
Effect: daily fire prevention work well, keep the corridor doors closed, to avoid the "chimney effect".
The smoke was blocked in the corridor do not go meet escape.
In the fire escape, if you see the corridor filled with smoke, do not go, it is because
The formation of the "chimney effect" for the corridor is likely, is no longer safe.
In terms of fire, "chimney effect" refers to the floor after the fire burning produces toxic gases and hot air,
After building the internal elevator wells, tube wells or the corridor "chimney" quickly spread up. Fire fighting in Shanghai
The Bureau has done an experiment: a height of 100 meters of construction (about 30 floors), in the case of no barrier,
To the top of the vertical flue gas diffusion along the pipe takes only 30 seconds, the moment the whole building form "three-dimensional scene", not only
It is difficult to put out the building staff is also difficult to escape.
The higher the building, the more obvious the chimney effect. Therefore, high-rise buildings in the staircase, elevator shaft, etc.
Through the top of the vertical wells in the construction must be done fire treatment, but also pay attention to not let the normally closed fire
The door is open for a long time, otherwise it will be a "chimney" of the fire when a fire occurs ". personnel
It should also pay attention to whether the escape staircase has become the "chimney", blindly into the fire may inhalation.
Amount of flue gas poisoning.
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